About US

It was the fall of 2018, and two friends found themselves at a crossroads. Life had fallen into a certain rhythm after securing jobs in big tech. They had the requisite designer digs and stock options, and maybe more importantly in our modern world, the bragging rights that come with those coveted roles.

Sometime after the umpteenth conversation about bigger titles and salaries, there was nothing left to do except admit that what was designed to motivate was instead draining. No longer enamored by the perks of the lifestyle they’d won, the dialogue changed. They sought out friends, family, mentors, and colleagues to evaluate the source of this newly discovered unease.

Then the revelation: It was not possible to achieve their definition of success on their current path. The act of recognizing that simple truth illuminated a new road and led to the decision to form this space: Steptoe Media.

Steptoe is a forum for curious minds to learn, explore, and share information. We value creativity, integrity, curiosity, and courage. We welcome all. We celebrate people who live with intention and seek to do as much for others as they do for themselves. Expect to find interviews and articles in written form and podcasts, on people who are on a similar journey, as well as some other fun surprises.

What we learn, we’ll share with you
